Commercial Cleaning Services

Office Cleaning for London Business

As the UK goes back to work, more responsibility is falling on the cleaning industry to keep us all safe.

Across London, many offices are beginning to plan how to reopen safely.

With more employees working from home, it is likely that businesses will switch to hot desking so that staff only attend the office for a few days each week, working from home the rest of the time.

Hot desking will allow companies to reduce their carbon footprint. Less energy use in the office, lower costs, and reduced staff commuting costs. Great for a companies carbon footprint and ticking those all important green boxes, but less than ideal in many instances for productivity.

Some employees may feel unsafe returning to an office environment, even with the safety steps you may take.

Social distancing is after all harder indoors, in work surroundings.

Keeping workstations clean and virus free is of course critical. Cleaning contractors may be expected on site more often, with more frequent clean downs to keep the virus at bay.

It would be all too easy to allow COVID-19 to have a second wave if our standards of cleaning are not effectively maintained.

Deep cleaning on a regular basis is important if we are going to be able to restart our economy and prevent a very damaging recession.

With all staff working in cooperation with each other, we can provide safe working spaces.

An increase in disinfecting, deep cleaning and wipe downs for shared spaces will keep people safe from harm.

We are all cautious and unwilling to take unnecessary risks with our health. That is only natural, but as instances of infection fall, we can return to work, maintain levels of cleanliness and keep people safe while also allowing business to get into gear and thrive once more.

London Office Cleaners are deep cleaning specialists, looking for more London offices to maintain.

How To Network The Hell Out Of A Room

How To Network The Crap Out Of A Room

Networking is a skill. Working a room isn’t the same as attending a room.

Lots of people attend, but few know the secrets that can make networking so profitable.

The Basics

Take literature with you. Whether it’s business cards, leaflets, brochures or whatever. Interested people will struggle to get in touch if you don’t make it easy for them to do so.

Smile. You may not feel comfortable, you may not be in your comfort zone, but smile. Act like you are enjoying yourself and are pleased to meet people. It will make you more approachable.

Never be the first give your business card, show some interest in the people you are talking to and ask for their cards. They in turn will then accept yours gratefully.

Networking is a skill. The most important thing to remember is that you are not there to sell to these people, you are there to build relationships so that these people sell your goods and services for you.

Networking works best when you learn to piggyback off businesses with similar client bases to your own.

A domestic decorator and an interior designer have similar clients. If you are smart about building your business, align yourself with non competing businesses that already have the clients that you are looking for.

Often the best way of getting a business owner to help you is to help them. Everyone is at a networking event because they want to find new business opportunities. Pay attention to who they want to meet and do what you can to help them and in return, they will subconsciously feel obliged to reciprocate and help you with new business opportunities too.

Learn how to become a serious networker at top networking events.

It’s often said in networking circles that you only get out what you put in and it’s very true. If you help others, they will help you.